UIS Scholarship Application
For the first time, the United Irish Societies (UIS) will be awarding scholarships to young men and women who are active in the Irish community. We are excited to see this program grow as it represents an important part of the mission of the UIS.
Our Mission Statementaims “to maintain the American ideals of liberty, uphold the principles on which America was founded and to help promote Irish heritage and culture for people, clubs, societies and other groups of Irish ancestry.” This Scholarship, reserved for young men and women of Irish ancestry, aids in our mission.
To be considered as a recipient you must be a High School Senior or completed High School and have performed or made a commitment to community service in the Metro Detroit Irish community by the time the scholarship is awarded in June of the current year. The focus of this award is on service to community.
Effective 4/1/20 - UIS Scholarship Application
Do to uncertainties and everything being put on hold by the Covid-19 virus, we will extend the Scholarship application deadline to May 1, 2021. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal by then. Any applications (DOWNLOAD FILE) received for the 2020 deadline will be applied to 2021. Thank you for your time and interest. Please contact the Scholarship Committee with any Questions.
Stay safe and be well.
email UISJDScholarship@yahoo.com